Small Biz Spotlight: The Stemmery

Small Business Spotlight

Small Biz Spotlight: The Stemmery

We may be in the depths of Seattle's cold, dark, gloomy season now, but believe it or not the first blooms of the year will start to emerge in just a couple months. We can't wait for bountiful spring bouquets! While we wait, we're delighted to share that even in the dredges of winter, The Stemmery sources fresh blooms for beautiful arrangements. While you can purchase one-time deliveries, the subscription services are where The Stemmery stands out.

In mid-December I not-so-subtly sent my husband a link to The Stemmery's subscription order page. He got the hint and for Christmas he gave me a gift card good for monthly bouquets for the year... which I then used to pick twice a month bouquets because it's January, the kids have been sick for like 2 months straight, and I'm nothing if not desperate for regular injections of cheer. Like any average mid-thirty something, I have a stash of vases I love but don't get to use often enough, so I chose the bouquet option that the recipient puts in a vase themselves. Last Thursday, in the midst of dealing with a toddler and his stomach bug, I was delighted to open our front door to find my first delivery of stems. It was simply and delightfully wrapped in paper and true to advertising ready to drop in a vase just as soon as I trimmed it to length. 20 seconds later I had a new center piece and when I squinted past the piles of laundry and dishes to do, I saw a little peek of calm and beauty amidst our chaos.

Set-it-and-forget-it flowers? 'Oh yes,' I thought to myself, 'this is a great arrangement.' Pun intended.

The Stemmery has been kind enough to share a discount code for our Stoop & Gable community. Use Code GETFLOWERS to save $10 off your first delivery. I know we're all just recovering from the Holidays, but before we know it it'll be Valentine's Day. 

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